In today’s society, what does it mean to be a victim? Does being a victim lend some kind of preferred status to the victim? Should victims be compensated for their victimhood? Should victims of pogroms be compensated? Should victims of slavery be compensated? Should reparations be paid to “victims?” If so, how far back should we go to identify who the victims are? Should their descendants be compensated? Can forgiveness play a role, or is compensation for victims the only way forward?
If one adopts the status of victim, does that give them the right to victimize others by extracting some form of reparations from the “victimizers?” Who are the victimizers? If they are deceased do we shift blame to their descendants?
Victims of Slavery
Who are the victims? In the formative years of the American Republic slaves were imported from Africa for use working the agricultural plantations. They were kidnapped in Africa and put on slave ships bound for the colonies in North America. If they survived, they worked daily in the fields and were put up in slave quarters.
So it is obvious that African slaves were victimized for the purpose of tending crops such as tobacco and cotton. They were imported and sold in slave markets to the highest bidders. This fact is not in dispute. The question of whether or not their descendants should be compensated in some way is being debated in the media, and my objective is not to attempt to settle the issue here. An internet search of the topic will return lots of articles dedicated to the topic of reparations. I encourage you to search the subject yourself and form your own opinions about compensation for victims of slavery in America.
Holocaust Victims
What I have come to realize only recently is that reparations have been and continue to be paid to victims of the Holocaust by the government of Germany. Therefore we have precedent for paying reparations to victims of injustice.
“NEW YORK, NEW YORK: June 15, 2023—Today, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), announced the outcomes of their negotiations with the German Federal Ministry of Finance on behalf of Holocaust survivors living globally resulting in approximately $1.4 billion in direct compensation and social welfare services for survivors. Outcomes of these negotiations, include nearly $105.2 million in additional funding for home care programs to address survivors’ increased needs. Additionally, a one-time payment per year to recipients of the Hardship Fund will continue to be paid until 2027. This is impacting more than 128,000 Holocaust survivors globally.”
My understanding is that only Jews qualify for reparations, and to qualify as a Holocaust survivor, they only need to have lived in Europe during WWII. That is a pretty low bar in my opinion. If you want to learn more about Holocaust survivor reparations you can search the internet yourself to come up to speed. This program is well documented.
There are other victims that we could argue are entitled to “reparations.” In February, Prince Andrew reached an out-of-court settlement of around £3m with Ms. Virginia Giuffre, which included damages and a donation to her charity “in support of victims' rights”. In order to receive any kind of compensation one has to sue in a court of law. How many more victims of sexual abuse and even sexual slavery are deserving of compensation for their suffering? How many victims of sexual abuse are likely to see justice of any kind? Very few in relation to the vast number of victims in this category.
How many sexual abuse victims were pawns in child sex blackmail schemes like the one run by Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? How many never left Epstein’s island?
Slave Traders
Who made up the bulk of the slave traders in the American slave market? If reparations are to be awarded to descendants of slaves, who should pay the reparations? Should the awards be paid by the government? Or should it be investigated as to who is actually responsible, and saddle them with the responsibility of paying reparations?
If government pays the bill, does that mean that those responsible bear no financial or moral responsibility and instead the “collective” tax payers should bear responsibility and foot the bill? If the taxpayers pay the bill, what incentive is there for those responsible to not engage in the act of slave trading again in the future? The victims get compensated and the actual victimizers get a pass. Is this what we would call justice?
Much has been written about Jewish opportunists participation in the slave trade.
Jewish Dominance of the Slave Trade
Dr. Tony Martin wrote The Jewish Onslaught and other books after which he was persecuted by Jewish organizations who called for his removal from a tenured position at Wellesley College. Below is a link to a lecture from Dr. Martin.
Blacks have been led to believe that those responsible for African American’s suppression, abuse and exploitation was intentionally misdirected away from those most responsible. Dontell Jackson explains his findings upon researching the topic in this link.
The rhetoric floated in the media today focuses blame for the historical abuse of African American slaves on white people. Upon investigation we find this is not necessarily the case. But of course if you dare to point out who is responsible, you will quickly be labeled antisemitic and attacked by the likes of the ADL.
Abuse of Reparations
If reparations should be paid by victimizers to victims, shouldn’t the victimizers be correctly identified? How about the victims? How do we identify them? If victimizers and victims are not properly identified, is there potential for abuse of reparations? If the goal of reparations is to compensate victims and to discourage victimizers from victimizing again, how do we accomplish that?
What if those claiming to be victims are actually the victimizers by way of extracting reparations from the victimized? Do we have any examples of this kind of abuse? I am afraid we do in the case of Holocaust survivor reparations extracted from the German population. The work camps of the National Socialists have been mischaracterized as death camps. The intention of the work camps was to produce goods for the German war machine. The inmates of these camps consisted of Jews, gypsies, political dissidents and others. The inmates were used as slave labor. This is not in dispute. However there is no forensic evidence for gas chambers or industrial scale murder, but the propaganda continues to this day to make us believe the myth of the Holocaust. Questioning the 6 million number is not allowed in 19 countries. People have been jailed for simply questioning the myth.
Payment of reparations to Holocaust survivors reinforces the myth, and punishes the innocent. Some victims (Jews) of slave labor became victimizers by promoting Holocaust death camp propaganda.
Anyone interested in searching for truth about the Holocaust could read The Holocaust Narrative by E. Michael Jones, and or search this site.
If reparations should be paid for slavery, why not include victims of the gulags in Russia? These were well documented by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And what about the returning German soldiers who suffered intentional starvation at the hands of the U.S. occupying forces? And what about returning German soldiers suffering slavery under the French? These topics were both covered in the book Other Losses by James Bacque.
In my opinion, reparations is the wrong way to go about compensating victims for their abuse caused by victimizers. As we can see, there is much potential for abuse. We have a justice system that should be tasked with enforcing the laws on the books. We should seek to punish the perpetrators (victimizers) of crimes. Punishing society for the crimes of a small segment of the population is unjust, and in my opinion sends the wrong message.
“Enlightenment is man’s leaving his self-caused immaturity. Immaturity is the incapacity to use one’s intelligence without the guidance of another. Such immaturity is self-caused, if it is not caused by lack of intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one’s intelligence without being guided by another. Sapere Aude! [dare to know] Have the courage to use your own intelligence! is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.” -Immanuel Kant
Said another way, Truth Is Not Your Enemy. Seek it.
Aaron Russo was told by Nick Rockefeller that the reason the social engineers introduced feminism was because half the population was not being taxed.
I want to thank you for your comments at Due Diligence.
If you'll notice, as soon as the host gets ugly, and this host is on an ugly spree now for several months....evidently afraid of "something" her commenters might know or say or whatever....her loyal guard get ugly also, and attack anyone she disagrees with.
She won't tolerate anything but praise. Give her time. She's been abducted astrologically, in my estimation, by this powerful "Year of The Angry Man. "
Looking forward to reading your offerings here. Mahalo.