An internet search for nuclear war or nuclear weapons returns a plethora of articles on the topic of late. Putin launched a “nuclear capable” ICBM retaliatory strike over Dnipro, Ukraine. This launch included only conventional warheads, but it emphasized the threat NATO and Europe face from Russia in retaliation for long range missiles being launched from Ukraine into Russian territory. This launch into Russia would not have been possible without the help of NATO, so Vladimir Putin sees this as an escalation by NATO into the theater of war in Eastern Ukraine, and now in Russian territory. In effect, NATO has by this action declared war against Russia.
Citizens of the world are being held hostage by psychopathic war mongers and their actions in Eastern Europe. Fears of nuclear annihilation are being perpetuated by the media, they’re spreading nuclear anxiety. If you believe in nuclear weapons and their long lasting radioactive contamination, you can’t help but feel concern for the future of humanity.
I was born in 1952, the same year the US tested its first hydrogen bomb. The Soviets tested their first hydrogen bomb in 1955, ten years after the US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I remember the duck and cover fear exercises practiced in grade schools in the 1960s, around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. We were told what to do when a nuclear weapon is detonated. Here is the film Duck and Cover with Burt the turtle, complete with the catchy Duck and Cover jingle.
At a young age baby boomers were taught to fear nuclear weapons. The weapons are so terrible that the policy introduced to prevent nuclear war was titled MAD, or mutually assured destruction. Nuclear war was to be avoided because both enemies engaged in such actions would have their countries reduced to radioactive waste lands. No winners, no nuclear war was the idea.
So what has changed? Why is nuclear war being contemplated today? Is it because there is no defense against hypersonic missiles that fly at ~ Mach 10 and fly in unpredictable paths? Does a power that has these weapons in their arsenal have a first strike advantage, meaning they think it is possible now to win a nuclear war?
What if nuclear weapons are a hoax? What if they don’t exist at all? Before you label me a conspiracy theorist and stop reading, hear me out.
We were told that the first nuclear atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima, and then Nagasaki. We saw images of mushroom clouds and the devastation in the aftermath following the events. We saw images of children with terrible burns, said to be caused by radiation. We were told what to think about these terrible weapons dropped on Japanese civilian populations. We were told that they were necessary in order to forestall a land invasion that would cost tens of thousands of American soldiers’ lives. Eustace Mullins wrote a paper refuting this claim, as Japan was already seeking terms of surrender prior to the dropping the bombs. The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb
We were told that radioactive fallout would contaminate cities for decades. So how then is it possible that Hiroshima and Nagasaki have since been rebuilt and are now both thriving cities? “Today, Hiroshima is a thriving metropolis with a population of over 1.2 million people, boasting a strong economy, rich culture, and a commitment to peace.”
Photo of Nagasaki today. Does this look like a radioactive wasteland to you?
If Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not destroyed by nuclear weapons, then what the hell is going on? Were they firebombed like all the other cities in Japan and Germany? Was the devastation seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki not unlike that in Berlin, Hamburg, Tokyo, and Dresden?
Michael Palmer visited Hiroshima following the war. He wrote a book titled Hiroshima Revisited where he lays out a case for napalm and mustard gas being used to fake the atomic bombings. Another author, Akio Nakatani wrote the book Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax. I suggest reading these books if you want to dive deeper into this topic.
Supposedly there are nine admitted nuclear armed nations plus Israel. I have often wondered why nukes have not been used by belligerent actors that claim to have them. India and Pakistan come to mind. They always appear to have disputes. And why wouldn’t Israel use their nukes against Yemen, or Syria? Is it because Israel does not want the world to know it has nukes? Why engage in such an expensive program developing nukes you have no intention of using? Somewhere along the line the logic breaks down.
This short video is of a conventional bomb being dropped somewhere in Yemen. It looks suspiciously like a nuclear bomb’s mushroom cloud. Perhaps like a low yield nuclear bomb.
This video was made showing how the nuclear weapons tests were faked.
Hollywood made nuclear bomb tests
Are nuclear weapons just an elaborate hoax to keep populations living in fear? Have the powers that be TPTB determined that a population living in fear is easier to control? I would not put anything past these psychopaths. Who knows why psychopaths do what they do. I think it is best that we question everything.
The documentary OCCUPIED aired last night on the Stew Peters Locals channel. I can’t help but think that what was presented in this documentary is in some way connected to the nuclear weapons hoax. Weren’t Einstein and Oppenheimer connected to the nuclear weapons program? I think we need to ask these questions. We should not fail to ask questions simply because we fear being labeled antisemitic. That is self-censorship and the objective of the Antisemitism Awareness Act.
One of My favorite pieces to show Others is Michael Palmer's interview with Jerm on Jerm Warfare:
Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the faked atomic bombing:
" Fear is the mind killer " 😃.